Friday, January 18, 2008

Sarah's Turn

Rolling over the 1 st Time!!

Sarah is such a little sweety! I could just gobble her up every second of the day. She enjoys watching Luke, playing on her Turtle, swinging, smiling, babbling all the time, chewing on anything soft and fuzzy, and playing with her best friend Graham. She is so calm and happy most of the time. She rolled over last week both ways- back to front and front to back. Her 4th month well check was yesterday and she is a whopping 13 lbs. 10 oz. (50th %-tile) and 25 3/4 in (85%-tile) Her eyes stayed blue and we can't decide what color her hair is going to be. My best bet is strawberry blonde or light blonde. It's almost time for a hair cut! We could do a ponytail in the back with the exception of a little bald spot!!
This next comment may sound a little on the "blonde side" of things but anyway...It's amazing how God made girls so girlie and boys- boys. Luke was born ALL BOY and Sarah is quite the opposite ALL GIRL. We are very glad for this!!!

My first attempt at Bloggin'

Hello friends! Mark has handed the reins over to me so get ready for family updates and kids pics. (Sorry for those of you who visit for deep theological reasons!:) It's just not my style!)

Things are going great at the Bass Home. Here's the run down...
Luke is growing so fast. He is now talking in sentences, repeating absolutely EVERYTHING he hears, carries a stool with him everywhere he goes so he can get those little GO-GO Gadget arms into everything that is out of his reach, he still loves golf and anything to do with balls, cars, or SNORTS (for those of you who have never read Are You My Mother- a snort is a big backhoe digger), he loves kissing on Sarah, playing with his best friend Juliana, going to Mother's Day out and to Walmart. We just painted his room and are in the process of decorating it with balls. For any of you who have not had the pleasure of having a 2 year old...everything is fun, joyful, and busy..busy...busy:)